Is your to-do list growing by the day? Kingdom has solutions to many of your home and business needs.
Creating an account with us is free and easy--after that, simply search for the business service you need for your home or business. We'll provide you with a list of Christian businesses to choose from. A "Kingdom Verified" badge on a business means that the business has been verified by their local church to be Christian-owned.
You can contact and request a quote from multiple businesses. You will be able to narrow down your options and choose the best business for your needs. Once you have chosen a business, you can carry on the transaction directly with them.
We would appreciate it if you could rate the business you chose to work with once they have completed their job.
By shopping with businesses that reflect your values, you can empower Christian families living in your community and see positive changes happening all around.
Welcome to Kingdom. Thank you for choosing to support Christian businesses through our platform. We appreciate your business and are grateful for the opportunity to serve you.